Think You Know Your Target Audience?

Be confident in your marketing content.

Carefully detailed target audiences help you shape marketing messages that actually speak to your prospective customers.

These profiles outline:

  • Who your audience is.
  • Where they are.
  • What they care about.
  • Why they're interested in your brand.
  • And more.

In other words, knowing your target audience is key to marketing that converts.

What You'll Learn

This course teaches marketers how to use industry leading tools and resources within their own companies to build accurate target audience profiles.

Tools we'll use (with step-by-step tutorials):

  • Google Analytics
  • Google Search Console
  • Moz Keyword Explorer
  • BuzzSumo's Web Content Analyzer

Skills you'll build:

  • Sales-marketing collaboration that leads to better marketing materials.
  • Content analysis to increase user engagement and search success.
  • Marketing campaign analysis to help you plan more effective campaigns.
  • Competitor auditing to uncover valuable, untapped marketing ideas.